Thursday, September 27, 2012


In 'Children Succed' With Charater, Not Test Scores, by NPR staff was shocking, the article stated that children build character and that shows there intellegence. This article was really suprising to me becuase I didnt know intellegence could be meassured any other way then by test, and I never thought someone else would think that. If building character is what some people think is how you test intellegence then why do we need test? I thought it was interesting that some people think that college is the easy way for some people and that college might not be helpful for some people. This article also made the impression that college shouldnt be a top prority and that some people actually go throught tough things and that people just go to college to have an easy life.
                 In 'Children Succed' With Character, Not Test Scores, by NPR Staff was shocking because it made the impression on me that education and college shouldnt be the top priority and that there are actually challenges.  When the article said that college was for people who wanted and easy life it made me think does college really challenge people? I thought college was for people who wanted to get a degree and people who wanted to get a good job. I also thought it was interesting that they compared college to real issues that people deal with. I also thought it was interesting that they told the story about a girl who had some many problems outside of school and she made it through highschool, it made it seem like the people who didnt have those problems just had it easy and I disagree. I think its a big assumption that people who dont have problems outside of school dont have problems in highschool.

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