Thursday, September 27, 2012


In 'Children Succed' With Charater, Not Test Scores, by NPR staff was shocking, the article stated that children build character and that shows there intellegence. This article was really suprising to me becuase I didnt know intellegence could be meassured any other way then by test, and I never thought someone else would think that. If building character is what some people think is how you test intellegence then why do we need test? I thought it was interesting that some people think that college is the easy way for some people and that college might not be helpful for some people. This article also made the impression that college shouldnt be a top prority and that some people actually go throught tough things and that people just go to college to have an easy life.
                 In 'Children Succed' With Character, Not Test Scores, by NPR Staff was shocking because it made the impression on me that education and college shouldnt be the top priority and that there are actually challenges.  When the article said that college was for people who wanted and easy life it made me think does college really challenge people? I thought college was for people who wanted to get a degree and people who wanted to get a good job. I also thought it was interesting that they compared college to real issues that people deal with. I also thought it was interesting that they told the story about a girl who had some many problems outside of school and she made it through highschool, it made it seem like the people who didnt have those problems just had it easy and I disagree. I think its a big assumption that people who dont have problems outside of school dont have problems in highschool.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

PLN 4-Maryland is the richest state; Mississippi is the poorest

            The text Maryland is the richest state; Mississippi is the poorest by By Michael Sauter, Samuel Weigley, Alexander E.M. Hess, Brian Zajac, expalins why Mississippi is the poorest state and why Maryland is the richest state. Mississippi is the poorest state because of poverty and the tragedies also because of there small population. Maryland is one of the wealthiest countries because it has a larger population and because more poeple in Maryland have high oaying jobs.
               The text Maryland is the richest state; Mississippi is the poorest by By Michael Sauter, Samuel Weigley, Alexander E.M. Hess, Brian Zajac, is suprising becuase, its intresting to see that a smaller state could be more wealthy then a larger state, also that Mississippi is the poorest state out of fifty states. It was amazing to see the small differences in the states that makes one the richest and one the poorest. Health insurace made a difference in each of the states and the amount of money in the average family, and the employment rate and number of jobs available. It doesnt matter the size of the state but the little things in the state that can make one state the richest and the poorest.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

High school, only shorter

The text "High School, Only Shorter" by Sue Shellenbrager explains how a kid graduates high school early by doing extra work. in this text Sue talks about how Nicolas Myers graduated high school early because he took required seniors classes when he didn't need to. She also talks about how he felt graduating early and what sacrifices he had to make by getting his credits early. Nicolas Myers had to skip his senior prom a a trip to new York because he had graduated early, but those are the sacrifices he had to make to get to college when he was 18.  Nicolas Myers sacrificed a lot but said it was worth it and that high schoolers should get as much college credits as they can.  Getting all those college credits and graduating high school so early got him very far in life.
              "High School, Only Shorter" by Sue Shellenbrager was interesting, because doing extra work and making time to do all that takes patience because you have to sacrifice a lot. I could not believe that someone put all that time and effort into getting all of his college credits. Also another thing that surprised me was that he was willing to sacrifice so much to do classes that were required for seniors. He got so much and so far in life because he took the responsibility to do more then he needed to and that encouraged me to do more things that and to put more effort into what i do even if it means to sacrifice things. I should do more then I'm asked it will get me farther in life.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

The text "Is Google Making Us Stupid," by Nicholas Carr is about somebody who feels very strongly about the internet and how it is being used today. He feels like google or the internet in gerneral is creating problems such as reading issuse. He also beleives that most of the people in this world today rely to much on using the internet for simple things or questions. Google or the internet in general makes people lazy, he thinks we are to reliable on the internet and that it is making us not use our minds but google or the internet. He also thinks simple things such as emails or vidoes are just other ways to link us to the internet. There are also many people who can relate to how he feels about how the internet is being used.
                When I first read the article "Is Google Making Us Stupid," by Nicholas Carr I could tell it was written by someone who had a very strong opinion about why Google or the internet is making us lazy. I also thought the writer had some interesting facts that supported why he thought we rely on the internet to much. I thought it was interesting that he got some many people to give there opinion on why we use the internet to much and I was suprised that mosst people supported him. I would have thought that most people would go against him since most people use the internet everyday and most jobs and everyday life rely on it.